Monday, February 14, 2011

Has your test become your testimony?

Has your test become your testimony??  Has your mess become your message??  If so, we want to feature you in our NEW online magazine, In Season Magazine!

~Mothers and Daughters: 
If you cook together we want to feature you, your daughter and your recipe in our magazine.  You will also receive a NEW designer apron from Purity Clothing Co for you and your daughter! 

~Has your mess become your MESSage:
We want to heart YOUR story!  Has your TEST become your TESTimony??  Has your MESS become your MESSage?  If so we want to hear from you!  Send your story to!

~Kingdom Business Owners: 
Do you have a kingdom business??  If so, we want to feature you in an upcoming issue of In Season Magazine!


  1. I LOVE this. What an inspirational and upbeat blog ;) My mom and I are Italian and we LOVE cooking together. I'll have to check out those other links too.

    I'm absolutely following ;)

  2. Newest follower! Found you from Bloggy Moms. (:


  3. Nice blog! I'm following you from Bloggy Moms!

  4. HI! Stopping by from Bloggy Moms to say HI and follow :) Looking forward to your visit @
    Take care, Tracy

  5. I am now following you back from bloggy moms.

  6. thanks for following. i followed you back. i would love for me and my daughter to be featured in your magazine but she is too young to cook, when will be the deadline?
